Kubernetes – Outofbox


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Kubernetes in minutes

Spin up your choice of virtual machine in just 55 seconds. basic, general purpose, CPU-optimized, or memory-optimized configurations provide flexibility to build, test, and grow your app from startup to scale.  

Designed for developers and operators

Provision and deploy to production-grade Kubernetes clusters in minutes

High availability

Kubernetes routinely checks the health of your applications to detect and replace instances that are not responsive.


Use the kubernetes horizontal pod autoscaler to add instances of your application services as needed to meet demand.


Applications deployed to outofbox kubernetes can run anywhere kubernetes is supported, making it easy to deploy across environments and clouds.

What can you do with outofbox kubernetes?

Web apps

Deploy your web applications to outofbox kubernetes for easier scaling, higher availability, and lower costs. And use kubernetes to release new versions seamlessly.

API and backend services

Use outofbox kubernetes to deploy, scale, and manage the services that power your applications. From authentication to message queues to custom app logic, deploying to kubernetes provides the portability, availability, and efficiency for your services.


Run GitLab core components on outofbox kubernetes to manage your development lifecycle, or just the Gitlab runners to easily scale your build and integration pipeline.